Seeking to show God’s love by caring for orphans, widows and the poor in their distress.
Psalm 133:3: “Harmony is as refreshing as the dew from Mount Hermon that falls on the mountains of Zion. And there the Lord has pronounced his blessing, even life everlasting.” NLT
Families helped
New Houses built
Comunities impacted
Letca Roma Community
Learn more about our latest efforts to help the Roma families in the Letca village, north western part of Romania. Living in poor housing conditions, these families are in dire need of help. With your help, we can provide new housing for these families, helping the children grow in a better environment.
Help us build the next home
An evening of Caroling, Christmas 2023
Roua Ministries organized an evening of Caroling in the Letca comune hall, where the children from the Roma families sang carols along the other people in the village.